Saturday, October 18, 2008

Synchronous Learning Environments (Week 7)

This week discussion is about synchronous and asynchronous communication. Synchronous learning environments permit the instant communication between the parties. In asynchronous communication you send or post a massage and waits for future answers. There are different benefits of using one of these technologies. I believe the combination of them in learning environments will enhance the educational capacity of the learners and also minimize the limitations both techniques have. I am interested in the different technologies to achieve both communications.  

In Lachlan’s blog you find the following recommendation about synchronous technologies:
“The main one that I have had experience with is Adobe Connect (AC). AC has many provisions built into it including: video, chat (typing), voice, file sharing, desktop sharing, in fact, any type of software sharing and other useful tools too many to list.  

… the beauty of Adobe Connect and other synchronous applications is that even if one party doesn’t have all of the hardware to be able to speak to the other participants, they can still type in their comments in a chat box and be heard.”


I once try to use Skype for a presentation. The person receiving the presentation did not have a microphone in their computer and Skype did not allowed the transmission. Apart from this incident it worked perfectly and it is free. I haven’t use Adobe Connect but will be trying to use its trial subscription.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Audio and Video Emerging Technologies (Week 6)

This week in class we where reading about audio (posdcasting) and video (screencasting). Richardson (2006, p. 112) defined podcasting as "the creation and distribution of amateur radio, plain and simple". He defines also screencasting as "capturing what you or your students do on the computer with an audio narration to go with it" (Richardson, 2006, p.122).

Personally, I prefer screencasting because I like to have a picture or idea of what I am hearing when dealing with an educational topic. The different educational scenarios’ where this technology can be used range from simply presenting a specific task in the computer to create laboratory procedures narrations. I am concern with the time consuming and effort it requires from the teachers to develop a project with screencasting. A possible solution to this was mention by professor Toledo in this week discussion. Lets use the student to help teachers in these tasks. I am sure that by preparing the video they will learn the procedures and at the same time for them it is a straightforwardly task.


Richardson, W. (2006). Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful tools for classrooms. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.