I came across this very electrify blog where one of the post is about Moodle. First, with a very contagious excitement the author express her believe that while learning this type of environment one should be putting into practice this learning by using it.
“I’ve been bothering them for a while now since I’m on course #5 and I’ve realized that I should be using what I’m learning in these courses while I’m taking them!”
Hence, Learning new educational technology and it application can be a positive motivator to used it. This is a central theme in one of my KAM’s.
The author also gives her opinion about Moodle and why she thinks is a useful tool.
“ I think Moodle is really cool because it’s open courseware, so it’s free and everyone can get at it and add to it, and it’s really innovative (as a result of being open). Designing your learning environment is really strightforward because it also does NOT require the user to know how to do html coding, which means you can get right to creating your course, rather than creating the environment too.”
Therefore, online tools, such as Moodle, should be also user friendly and easy to set up. This is also a positive motivator.
The link to this blog is: http://grail.oise.utoronto.ca/blog/watsonj3/2008/10/04/im-getting-moodle/
The creativity that software like Moodle can provide is definitely a motivator for the learner. When the programs are "user friendly" and easy to use, less guidance is needed to help the learner develop their skills using the software. These are key elements to an OLE.
I am a renegade Moodle user on my campus. I like the freedom to share and develop new tools that a propriety system doe not provide. I have been managing my own server on campus for the last year. As such, it takes quite a bit of time to babysit, upgrade, and keep ahead of intrusion attempts that I am not being paid to do. I recently purchased an account at ClassRoom Revolution (http://www.classroomrevolution.com). $99 for 5 classrooms for the year. I am excited to try this out.
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